Local Mamas - Rachel's Perfect Mother's Day Gifts for New & Expecting Moms

Local Mamas - Rachel's Perfect Mother's Day Gifts for New & Expecting Moms

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If you've been following Boheme for a while, you'll recognize Rachel. Up until a couple of months ago, she was our Store Manager! Rachel was the store's organization master, a customer favourite, and a trustee advisor on all things sales, travel, baking, and Real Madrid Soccer. Rachel stayed busy outside of work camping with her husband, taking care of their two cats and not-so-little- puppy, Oso, and attending (& usually planning) social events with friends - She definitely loves having an action-packed schedule. In fact, Rachel happily stayed working up to only 3-weeks short of her due date.
On April 2nd, she officially became a mama with her sweet daughter Emilia making her Grand entrance into the world! The transition into motherhood is always a major learning curve - but Rachel is taking it day by day and has settled into this new stage of life, commonly known as Trimester 4, beautifully! 
Being our former manager, she's a pro on all things Boheme products, especially in regards to what an expecting and new mama will need & appreciate! Here's her list of recommended Mother's Day gifts for moms in these early stages: 
see you sundae face tan water ma necklace in silver solar top santa ana shortsSO Bath soak gabrielle tie front midi dress
mother's day collection